Strong Armor Robotics

Homeland Security Systems

Homeland Security Systems:

Why HomeLand Security System is required?

World population have gone up to a formidable peak, where behaviour elements of mankind have been changed over the period. The resources which required for keeping the mankind existence are waning eventually to the stability of the environmental elements. The inequality and financial crisis are emerging according to the population explosions, which also shatters the socio- economic establishment of world economy.

Based on various facts checking process the changing behavioural elements of people are impaled towards negative thought process. Negative behavioural of people will create various ruckuses in the society and a threat to others. Identifying these characterised people in prior will help to defend and protect the fellowmen in that society.

Why HomeLand Security System is required?

STRONG ARMOR ROBOTICS Behaviour Detect ion System intends to registration, analysis, control and research of human emotion status for different applications in the fields of security, biometrics, psychology, lie detect ion, medicine and human life. STRONG ARMOR ROBOTICS system registers micro movement (vibration) of person by standard digital, web or television cameras and image processing. Human head micro vibration is linked with the vestibular-emotional reflex (VER) of a person and reflects emotions levels. STRONG ARMOR ROBOTICS system detect s human emotions by the control of three dimension (3D) head-neck movements and fluctuations, accumulated in several frames to analyses the precise finding to overrule all odd out of the context of bewildered.

STRONG ARMOR ROBOTICS software is designed to achieve the following goals:
  • Cognitive control of emotions
  • Law enforcement
  • Aggressive and crime persons detection
  • Passenger’s remote surveillance
  • Psychological and medical monitoring
  • Lie detection
  • Research of weak response to humans
  • Training and relax control for fitness and sport applications
  • Meditation and aura control
  • Live and recorded video processing and sending real-time alerts to the security officials via mobile app.

    Lie Detection | Public Security | Private Security

    The relevance of the use of modern digit al technologies for continuous monitoring of the current functional and psycho emotional state (CFPES) of workers in critical professions is shown. The possibilities of optical technology based on the receipt and analysis of vibroimages of a person's face are analysed. It is shown that the practical implementation of the principles of cognitive psychology makes it possible to increase the in formativeness of STRONG ARMOR ROBOTICS by minimizing the influence of external noise, as well as noise of software and hardware for image processing. The developed algorithm is focused on streaming video digital processing. The experimental testing of the approach during the training sessions confirmed its high efficiency.

    Lie Detection
    Lie Detection:

    STRONG ARMOR ROBOTICS system is friendly and precision lie detector. It looks as usual computer (or laptop) with video or web camera. STRONG ARMOR ROBOTICS lie detector or VibraLie shows several psycho physiological parameters (till 30) of tested person to get her with integral psycho physiological response and calculates lie by auto comparison of integral response to relevant and control questions. It is necessary to notice, that the examinee feel free and STRONG ARMOR ROBOTICS system does not influence on the result of examination. One test detect ion on STRONG ARMOR ROBOTICS system is simple and time duration not more than 5 minutes.

  • STRONG ARMOR ROBOTICS lie detector is used by polygraph specialists in police and civil applications so as usual people for different goals:
  • Face Detection
  • High sensitive, precise and professional psycho physiological detector of deception for criminals and suspected person
  • Simple and reliable lie detector. The best suggestion for family conflicts solution, business interview, employment agency testing
  • STRONG ARMOR ROBOTICS contact less lie detector for every day, personal lie Detector is the same as personal computer.

  • Public Security:
    Public Security

    The STRONG ARMOR ROBOTICS principle of operation: the system has possibility to estimate an emotional condition of each person who appears in front of camera. Then the image is going to the PC screen. For the better use ability, the result represents in numeral view and coloured image (STRONG ARMOR ROBOTICS), where colour means different emotional conditions. For example, the STRONG ARMOR ROBOTICS of aggressive person is painted in red colour. The more important fact is that these emotions could not be faked, so the security system becomes very effective.

    As we see on the images, the emotional condition of each passer-by who appears in front of the camera. The general mood of crowd and the most important thing is that the analysis going contact less, so nobody knows that he is analysing by the security system and behave himself naturally, without feeling of discomfort or fear that makes results measure.

    Now using STRONG ARMOR ROBOTICS you can:
  • Work contactless
  • Constantly analyse psycho emotional condition of a big flow of people
  • Have a great chance to work with material, which is impossible to be faked, what makes the work of security service more effective.

  • Private Security:
    Private Security

    Safety of your apartment or house is very important task, because safety of your family, and also your property depends on it. There are various security systems: alarm systems, motion sensors, armour- plated doors, etc. Some people build protective bunkers in the houses; it is possible even to put protection on perimeter of the site and to be almost assured of safety of the house. But, probably that the malefactor your neighbour or acquaintance. In that case all security systems set forth above are useless you allow entering criminal into your house. Written above event it is far not rarity and, at first sight, against it there is no protection.

    STRONG ARMOR ROBOTICS system can help you to avoid similar situation. How? Very simply: it's necessary to establish video camera (instead of door-eye, before entrance, or to use cameras already available for you), connected to the computer with installed STRONG ARMOR ROBOTICS software. After that, you can see the STRONG ARMOR ROBOTICS of the visitor and learn about his intentions before he has come into your house.

    As we see on the image, the person can be outwardly quiet, even to smile, but only by means of STRONG ARMOR ROBOTICS system probably to see its real psych emotional condition. The program in colour and quantitatively indicators shows: level of aggression, stress, dangerous and other parameters. In this case colour round the visitor yellow-red, means it is possible to draw conclusion that it has come obviously restless and, probably, with malicious intentions.

    Now we will give an example, when the person is not dangerous:
    Public Security
  • Invisible visitors scanning, at professional level
  • Emotional analysis of your visitors, partners, friends and family helps you to be safety.
  • Personal security always and anywhere. STRONG ARMOR ROBOTICS you always safety! Easy install and operate.